This blog is for my journey in EKS training by world record holder vimal daga sir. In this journey, I have learned lots of things. I did many hand-on practical.
Now I want to share the things I have learned in this training.
In the session, I learned how to deploy Kubernetes multi-node cluster on the top of AWS Cloud using eks service
-Docker overview
-Kubernetes overview
-Eks service is only made for Kubernetes service
-installation of kubectl command
-installation of eksctln command
- basics of Kubernetes how lube cluster work i.e master, worker, kubectl client, API server, schedulers, controller, kubeletes ,docker container engine in worker node.
- EKS ask ec2 to provision hardware and OS .
- for creating a cluster send instructions to Eks using Yaml .
- eks has pre-created Ami.
- eksctl first create cloudfromation stack
- Concept of Namespace
- namespace is important for security, networking and other purposes to all the pod
- for Load balancer service we use load balancer in eks and this service know as an elastic load balancer.
- concept of storage class and how to create it using eks .
-Create PV PVC for the worker node to persists the data
-And many more cant explain here.
#DAY -2
- Role of spot instance and how we can create IT
- Benefits of EKS — it is high & tight coupled with other AWS services
- We can provide external load balancer in case we managing the cluster ourself
- If EKS managing the node we can’t do vertical scaling
- learned the concept of serverless architecture which is provided by fargate service one of the service given by aws .
- learned about Fargate services, It is a service for creating a black box only for containers.
- Fargate service is a sub-service of ECS ( elastic container service)
- when we have new cluster we need to update our kubectl config file
- We cant login to the master node but can do SSH to the worker node because we configure worker node and we have the key.
- CNI plugin for connectivity between two pod
- AWS has their own CNI plugin
- eksctl is a 3rd party program that internally create cloudformation and configure the server.
-It also creates a subnet and provides IP by creating a DHCP server.
-EFS (Elastic file storage ):- challenge occurs in scaling form the AWS EBS services that is EBS can be connected only one instance and that too must be in the same data center to solve this challenge we use EFS service in place of EBS service
-HELM is package manager for k8s
-By using helm we install grafana and prometheus and connect them and exposed their pods.
- helm hub for pre-created apps - At last, sir given a project in which we have to integrate all the tools and technology that we know.
That’s all I have learned in this training.
Thank you vimal daga sir